Friday, February 24, 2006

Monday ~ Pisces New Moon

The next New Moon forms on Monday, February 27th at 4:30 PM PST at 9º Pisces, the sign most concerned with the dissolution of the ego and the realization of our spiritual identity. This New Moon is especially appropriate for remembering our soul intentions. Give yourself some quiet time around this New Moon. Take a walk in nature. Loose yourself in art or music. Watch your dreams for messages from your higher Self. Allow yourself as much meditation or unstructured time as possible. Simply being allows us to work on more subtle levels and be more receptive to our inner guidance.

The potential for important insights is greatly amplified by Uranus' close conjunction to the Sun and Moon. Uranus, the archetype of freedom and innovation, is often considered the higher octave of Mercury and as such, access to higher intelligence. With both Uranus and Mercury in Pisces, this New Moon opens the doors of perception, providing a fertile time for inspired creativity, profound meditations, and important revelations. Uranus is also very close to the degree where he stationed retrograde last year.

(10º46 Pisces on June 10, 2005), signaling that we've integrated the cosmic lesson provided last spring and are now ready for the big next step on our spiritual path.

Watch for signs, listen to your heart, and be aware that: "Everything in this world has hidden meaning...people, animals, trees, stars are all hieroglyphics...we think they are only people, animals, trees, stars. It is only years later that some of us understand."--Nikos Kazantzakis

Stephanie Austin

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