Thursday, September 01, 2005

Virgo New Moon brings need for Self Care

The next New Moon forms on Saturday, September 3rd at 11:45 AM PDT at 11º Virgo. New Moons are optimal times to remember we're in the driver's seat and make some course corrections if we've veered off track. What would you like to increase in your life? What do you need to reduce or eliminate?

We're essentially living space age lives in caveman bodies, and as the evolutionary pace quickens, it's more important than ever to take good care of ourselves on all levels. Take some time to upgrade your exercise and diet regimen. Tackle cluttered areas and clear space for something new. Schedule in more more soul time.

Honoring the realities of the physical plane brings us to another important item on the Virgo agenda‹humility. True humility is not self-effacement or self-deprecation, but the absence of ego, the state of adaptability and openness. Planets traveling through Virgo show us that there is always more to learn; that perfection is an ongoing process, not a static state. Another key milestone on the Virgo journey is the development of discernment. Virgo analyses so that it can determine what is relevant for this time and place--what is essential and what is superfluous. As the capacity for discernment grows, we become more skilled helpers and healers, offering what is useful and not neglecting ourselves in the process. Virgo ultimately perfects the art of being fully present, of being grateful for each moment, each opportunity to serve.

This week packs an extra punch:

On August 31st, the Sun opposes Uranus (9º Virgo-Pisces), helping us move out of old ruts and onto new tracks. Think out of the box and trust your intuition.

Jupiter conjuncts Venus on Thursday, September 1st at 19º Libra, opening our eyes to new possibilities in partnership and inviting us to allow ourselves more peace and pleasure in general.

On September 2nd, Pluto at 22º Sagittarius turns direct, signaling the end of a major renovation phase, which began last spring when Pluto turned retrograde on March 26th. Pluto says: Take a giant step forward on your path.

Things go easier when we remember that: ³Everyday is a gift from God. What we do with it is our gift to God.²‹Mother Teresa.

Stephanie Austin

Stephanie Austin has been a professional astrologer since 1986. She holds a Master's degree in Consciousness Studies, teaches Archetypal Astrology at John F. Kennedy University, and specializes in life purpose readings. For more on her background and services, visit
Eco Astrology.

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