Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Blog Day 2005: Honoring Katrina's refugees

I'm a bit late in posting, but today is the day bloggers were to post links to 5 other blogs that they have never linked to before. In honor of the chaos, tragedy and tremendous relief efforts taking place in the Gulf area after Katrina, I chose to highlight 5 bloggers telling their stories and offering relief options.

An Angelic Journey- Katrina discusses her family connections and in a later post, tells of her husband heading back to the region loaded with supplies on a good samaritan journey.

Civil Commotion blog tells of trucks from the Florida Baptist Convention and the Salvation Army heading to Mississippi and Alabama from Florida to help with relief efforts.

Homes for Katrina Victims has grown out of Bill Hennessey's blog, Hennessey's View. This site created just today, is a forum for people offering their homes to house refugee's of the storm. Within the first few hours over 75 people had registered. Truly, many people in this country are opening their hearts and are willing to open their homes to those who have suffered so much already.

Help for Animals Displaced by Katrina is a post from Randomartdesign. There are so many animals in need. She highlights one organization called Noah's Wish.

Moniblog has a link for hurricane charities called Network for Good Charity Navigator. Visit the link for good tips on making donations.

My prayers go out to everyone affected by the devastation in the Gulf region. I know there will be much more to come in the days ahead. Please send your prayers, your good thoughts and any donations you can.

Other links of importance:
Red Cross
Salvation Army
Operation Blessings
