Meme: "A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. " Ok, that explains a few things...
These five questions are intended to promote a "Nourishing Meme" in the blogosphere that was birthed by Joanne Hay.
Here are the questions:
1. What is the most nourishing thing you frequently do for yourself?
2. For your health, what will you never compromise on?
3. Where do you get most of your health information?
4. What single whole food or supplement has turned your health around the most?
5. What is your favorite natural therapy?
My answers:
Q. What is the most nourishing thing you frequently do for your self?
A. Working from home, I make sure that everyday I go out. It may only be a trip to the post office, or to the grocery store, sometimes the coffee shop, but it helps me feel nourished and part of society.
Q. For your health, what will you never compromise on?
A. Because I know how important feeling our feelings is to our health, I don't compromise on acknowledging my feelings. Any of my clients who have worked with me for years will tell you that I always say, " Awareness is 99% of everything." I believe in being aware of my inner self and the feelings that reside there, then actively give them the space to be expressed or released.
Q. Where do you get most of your health information?
A. Recently I have been working more closely with my Osteopath, so I would have to say that more is coming through her at this time. I also work with Medical Intuitive Christopher Stewart. He has guided me to new levels of healing and ways to provide my body with the nourishment its asking for.
Q. What single whole food or supplement has turned your health around the most?
A. Iron supplements, along with a good vitamin/ mineral regime. I was diagnosed with extreme anemia several months ago and the change in my energy level, focus and health has been dramatic since I began the supplementation.
Q. What is your favorite natural therapy?
A. Flower essences. I have been a flower essence practitioner for over 20 years and I feel very strongly about their healing effects of our energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
Now, as the word meme implies... I need to challenge other bloggers to take the ball and roll with it, answering the questions and passing it along.
I'm sending out the call to Fellow Carnival of Healing hosts:
Christopher Stewart, Medical Intuitive at Intuitive Living
Evelyn Rodriguez at Crossroad Dispatches
Elisa Camahort at Hip and Zen Pen
I'm also sending out the challenge to everyone reading this post. Please answer the 5 questions by posting a comment below...
Jaelin :)
nourishing meme, health, holistic healing