The Exercise Guide, Paige Waehner has an interesting blog post today. She asks if its time to reinvent yourself.
She says, " We all lose our way from time to time on the way to our fitness goals. Sometimes it's because life gets in the way - you get sick, move, get a new job or just get busy - and sometimes you just lose interest in what you're doing. If you're like me, you may keep trying to force yourself into an old routine that just isn't working anymore...don't we all go back to what's familiar and safe? ..."
As I read this, I thought about how true it is for all areas of our life, not just our exercise routines. We can lose our way to any of our goals. The key to reinventing yourself, as I see it, is AWARENESS.
Looking into the mirror, doing some soul searching and paying attention to the reflections presented by others in your life all requires your conscious awareness. Without awareness, you can float through life in a perpetual state of denial, numbness or obliviousness.
Does this sound like you?
Is it time to become aware?
Is it time to reinvent yourself?
exercise, Fitness, Health and wellness