Are you stuck in a rut? It happens to the best of us. I've been known to be in it too... I see my morning routine flash before my eyes....
I found this quiz on MSN.com and thought I'd pass it along...
"Are You Stuck in a Rut?"
By Megan McMorris
"Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Yawn. Is your life becoming more than just a little predictable? While a healthy dose of routine is necessary -- after all, it's what gets you to work, the gym and your various appointments -- it's important to recognize the difference between maintaining a healthy routine and spiraling into a rut." Routines can start to get destructive when we don't see any other options and feel trapped," says Daphne Stevens, Ph.D., a psychologist in Macon, Georgia, and the author of "Watercolor Bedroom: Creating a Soulful Midlife." "That's when you increase your risk for depression, burn out or are just generally not having fun anymore. We all need a certain amount of mental stimulation to feel alive."
Take this quiz to pinpoint whether you're stuck in a rut -- and learn how to breathe some fresh air into your life..." click here to take the quiz.
stuck in a rut, change, Life, self