Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bird Flu: Knowing more is your best defense

Bird Flu: Learning, Preparing & Protecting Your Family
by Christopher Stewart

The Virus
The H5N1 strain of avian influenza (Flu) is considered by the World Health Organization and other health experts to be the biggest single disease threat to the world. Since starting in Hong Kong in 1997, it has spread in flocks of poultry across Asia and is now in Turkey Romania, Greece, and the United Kingdom.

This virus does not move easily from birds to humans. World Health Organization data shows that is has infected 117 in Asia, and killed 60. WHO has stated the H5N1 strain will in time have the ability to move with ease from human to human. When this occurs this will be a pandemic that will travel the world infects and kills millions of people.

Recent research studies published in the journal Nature have shown that the first line of defense against the H5N1 bird flu strain, a drug known as tamiflu is not as effective as originally thought. First line treatments will need a combination of drugs such as tamiflu zanamivir and other anti-virals.

Ultimately until the bird flu H5N1 strain does pass easily to humans it will not be possible to develop a vaccine against it. Any vaccine would need to have the identical strain of virus that is circulating.

How to protect yourself and others:
The human immune system is your primary defense against the H5N1 bird flu. Your immune system is compromised daily by chemical exposure due to air, water, and ground pollution, and by stress. Additionally the overuse of immunosuppressive drugs such as steroid creams reduces your body’s ability to defend itself against a viral inflection. The bird flu is a virus and antibiotics would not have any effect against it.

To help to protect yourself and others from the Bird Flu, your immune system response can be raised to a significantly higher level by the use of the following over the counter immune enhancing substances:

Beta 1,3-D Glucan 1000 mg per day 30 minutes before a mealBeta 1,3-D Glucan is a highly purified and patented carbohydrate extracted from the cell walls of Baker’s yeast. Numerous scientific studies have shown that it dramatically increases phagocytic capacity—the ability of your innate immune cells to eat and destroy foreign intruders.

Thymic Protein A 4mcg per day
Protects against immune system suppression. This polypeptide produced by the thymus gland is composed of a chain of 500 amino acids. Administered sublingually, the standard dose is 2 to 4 mcg per day.

Immune Advantage (Formerly ImmunoLin) 2 tablets per dayAccoding to the manufacturer Now Foods, “Immune Advantage is a new Immunoglobulin supplement derived from bovine serum. It contains high levels of a mixture of Immunoglobulin classes, including IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgA factors shown to support healthy immune functions.” I have had many good reports from clients using this product.
Additionally taking vitamin C 1-3 grams per day and a bioflavonoid mixture containing Rutin, Hesperidin, and Quercetin, will also help to build your immune system.

Having a biofilter mask that will block the H5N1 bird flu virus and kill it would be handy to have in your home in case of a real outbreak. The best one that I have seen is called the Nanomask and they are available online for about $10 per mask. The mask has a shelf life of 1 year and comes with 10 filters.

This is not a time to panic, however it is a time to take stock of your own immune system’s strength, and how that strength may be increased. You will reap many other benefits from this, fewer colds and other illnesses, and a general increase in your well being. So what do you really have to lose?

copyright 2005 - Christopher Stewart
Medical Intuitive

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