Saturday, September 10, 2005

Carnival of Healing #7: Different Perspectives

Carnival of Healing #7 is now posted at Holistic ~ Here's a sneak preview...

"We all can get stuck in our personal points-of-view. Next time you're in a conversation with someone who opposes you on a subject you have strong convictions about don't feel as if you have to jump in and sell your side of it. Relax! Try to sit back and listen intently before sharing your opinions. Use it as an opportunity to review your thinking process. Your perspective might be overdue for some minor or major adjustments.

Many of us are still rebounding from the shock and turmoil of energies stirred up by Katrina. Seeing the devastation sure has put a whole new perspective on things that I would have called "annoyances" a couple of weeks ago. These things now seem barely important, much less annoying..." read the full Carnival of Healing

Last week's Carnival: Intuitive Living

Next week the Carnival visits: Spiral Visions

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