Wednesday, March 09, 2005

March Illuminations Newsletter

Hi Everyone!
I thought I'd put the important new changes at start of my letter this month so you won't miss out on everything that's happening at Illuminations.

What's on tap for this month's newsletter? Well, besides new moon info below, I want to announce that Illuminations Network has a new look! Check it out! . Please take a moment to visit and let me know what you think! It's a colorful, exciting new look, however it’s not completely finished. The article page, resources links and 'bout Jodie' section will be finished by Monday.

Also, starting this month all Illuminations Newsletters will be posted on my new blog site Intuitive Innovations. This blog will allow me to post regular updates without having to wait until Newsletter time each month. You will still receive an email monthly reminding you to visit Intuitive Innovations for the latest version of the newsletter, but you can also bookmark it and visit the site regularly for new information, articles, posts, specials, etc. Blogs have become a popular form of communication on the web and it offers many more options that filling your email box with such long emails.

Now, for my monthly ramblings:

Boy, it's been the epitome of March going in like a lion here in the Northeast. Hopefully the saying holds true to go out like a lamb. Everywhere I go people have that snowed-in, dazed sort of look on their faces. The phrase, " I'm so tired of snow, when is this going to be over?" is common at the local convenience store. People chat as they get their morning coffee and the comments don't have much variety lately. It seems we've had over 92" of snow so far where I live. We haven't had this much since I was a little kid! It's great for the kids, but the adults are sure tired of it. Hopefully spring really does come in soon!

Even though we've had the perfect sort of hibernation weather this winter, I know there are many of you looking to get out and have the opportunity to get started on new projects. I know there are gardens to prep for, but it's going to be while before we even begin to see them. So what type of creative new projects does that leave?. There are any number of things to participate in that could get you out of the house and involved in the community.

People need people, even if it's just a trip to the local coffee shop to get your morning coffee. We need to venture outside of our little worlds and realize there are others out there who are doing the same thing. What sort of daily routine do you have? Do you go for a coffee? Do you sit at the local restaurant for breakfast? Do you race around getting everyone else ready and then head out the door yourself? At what point during the day are you socializing with others who aren't part of your daily routine? We are creatures of habit. Look at your life and see how routine it has become. What sort of living is that? Is it living life fully?

What would be a good change of pace for you? Can you change your routine in any way? What would that do to your day? Would it shake things up too much, or just enough to bring in a breath of fresh air? Look at the options. Sort out what works for you and what you are doing simply because its become a habit. One idea could be to have a day at a local spa, or maybe go out on the town with friends. Put yourself outside your comfort zone and you’ll see what exciting, stimulating things happen.

Well, enough about habits, let's look at what's happening tomorrow- the New Moon! It's a perfect time to begin something new. Yes, that's why I was talking about stretching outside your comfort zone. The new moon is a good time to do that and to open to new possibilities. Read the New Moon Report below!

There will be new posts and articles added to Intuitive Innovations blog on a consistent basis. Please bookmark it and visit it often!

Oh, one other piece of news- I'm working on an Intuition Workbook that should be out by the end of the month. I'll let you know when it's finished. it will be available as an instant download on my website!

Exciting things are happening here at Illuminations! I'll keep you all posted.

Many Blessings,

Illuminations ~ Insight. Intuition. Innovation.

Jodie is available for Intuitive counseling, coaching and consulting sessions for personal and business development: Mon - Fri 10am - 7pm EST