Monday, January 09, 2006

Intuitive Eating- The Latest in 'hip"

According to "A Weight Lifted" blog:

"It’s been very interesting watching the latest weight control “it diet" gather steam in the media. It’s the non-diet” diet of Steven Hawks EdD (Doctor of Education) , professor at Brigham Young University, and the founder, president and director of the new National Institute of Intuitive Eating ("doors opening in July 2006", according to website).

Dr. Hawk's version of “intuitive eating” is an amalgam of the philosophy that’s been helping women for the past 33 years at Green Mountain at Fox Run, along with his own ideas about this and that. Normally "intuitive eating" is not sexy enough on its own to merit much media attention - it's just too commonsensical and not gimmicky enough - but since Dr. Hawk has married it with the words “diet” and “weight loss” so heavily, it's become the new "in" thing. It’s been interesting to see this “new and hottest trend” emerging when..." Read the Full Post

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