Thursday, January 19, 2006

Get in Gear with your Gut!

Developing Your Intuition:
11 Keys to Expanding and Utilizing your Intuitive Abilities

• Your perceptions are unique to you. Asking another person how
they get intuitive ‘knowings’ or psychic impressions doesn’t mean
your experiences will be the same. We are all unique, each
learning and sensing differently. Honor your sensory

• Accept your “1st” feeling or instinct, even if it doesn’t make
sense to you at the time. It’s your intuitive self at work when
you get a 1st feeling. By engaging your logical mind to question
it or make sense of it, you disengage your intuition. Simply
allow the feeling and know that it is part of a puzzle and you
will have all the pieces when it’s time.

• Usually you will get ‘pieces’ of the puzzle. Allow yourself to
sleep on it and let it germinate. Don’t try to figure it out.
Attempting to interpret it right away will put you into the
logical left brain, out of the intuitive right brain.

• Pay attention to thoughts that come in ‘out of the blue.’ This
means while you are day-dreaming, meditating, or even doing
‘mindless’ repetitive tasks. This is the time when you’re more
open and receptive to intuitive information because your conscious
mind is ‘out of the way.’

• You will tend to experience intuitive impressions the same way
you learn; visual learners will tend to be clairvoyant, audio
learners would gear towards clairaudience, and kinesthetic
learners would benefit from movement and yoga.

• Perceive and record your dreams. Keeping a dream journal is a
positive step in developing your intuition. It assists you in
remembering and connecting to intuitive impressions you receive in
your dream state. The journal also helps you look for patterns
that may be expressing themselves.

• Also, journal your intuitive and psychic impressions. This
includes déjà vu experiences, chills, knowing who’s on the phone
when it rings, etc. Journaling these events can help to enhance
your awareness and develops your listening skills.

• Pay attention to strong urges, synchronicities, strange
happenings, gut feelings, etc.

• Listen to your body. Sometimes your physical body will
experience the sensation before you perceive it psychically. For
example, having a feeling in the pit of your stomach, goose bumps,
the hair standing up on the back of your neck, etc. These are all
intuitive experiences. It is a sensory response to something you
are feeling. It may take longer to get to your conscious
awareness. The physical body knows how to get your attention.
These are signals to stop and listen to your intuition.

• Meditate daily. Meditation is different for everyone. It
doesn’t mean you must sit in a particular pose and chant. Some
people find it meditative to sit and listen to instrumental music,
others meditate in nature by watching the trees move with the
wind, or listen to a river flowing. Find the method that works
the best for you. Practicing everyday enhances your listening
skills and connects you to your inner self.

• Think about developing your intuition as if it were a new skill
you are gaining. It will play an important role in decision
making, meeting new people, being safe in uncomfortable
situations, even help you get the job you desire. Intuition is a
critical skill needed in today’s environment. With development of
this skill will come greater self-assurance, self-esteem and
self-confidence. It develops a sense of trusting in your self.

© 2005 Jodie Foster

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