With the winter months looming, the Sun begins to play a powerful role in our warmth, our health and general well being. The sun has finally been bright in the sky here in the Maine for the past few days and it makes a huge difference in how I feel. I actually went to the health food store and purchased some full spectrum lightbulbs a few weeks ago during the long weeks of rain. These lightbulbs are said to help with SAD by nourishing our bodies with the full spectrum of light that we normally receive from the Sun.
Phylameana has gathered together a glorious collection of bloggers who have wonderful suggestions and viewpoints about the Sun and its healing effects, along with a 10 step illustration of the Sun Salutation exercise. Please take a moment to visit this week's Carnival.
Last week's Carnival of Healing: Spiritual Healing was posted at Intuitive Living.
Next week, the Carnival will be hosted by Phylameana on her personal blog, Spiral Visions.
carnival of healing Blog Carnival Carnival sun