Friday, May 20, 2005

Illuminations Newsletter May 2005

Illuminations Newsletter
May 2005


I came across a phrase this week that sparked my interest. “The strongest substance in the world is water because it knows how to move around obstacles.” Being fluid is powerful, given the fact that our bodies are mostly water. We have the ability to ‘go with the flow’ around any obstacle, rather than charging stubbornly into them, or standing in the middle of the river and waiting for the obstacle to pick up and move out of our way. We are truly a stubborn species and forget to look outside ourselves and laugh once in a while! Why do we make things so difficult? Remember that it’s all about our choices. We can choose to be stubborn, resistant, etc. We can also choose to be fluid, flexible and flowing. There is strength in flexibility.

What areas of your life are you more flexible with? Your job, kids, money, bills, your spirituality? What areas are you more resistant, stubborn and hard-headed about? Knowing when to let go and flow with the tide can keep you from banging into the obstacles in the middle of the river. You know how painful it is when you keep banging your head into the same thing over and over again! Think about what you are willing to release in order to experience greater flow in your life. What can you do to become more flexible? Maybe going out for a walk every afternoon, or practicing yoga or tai chi. Becoming one with your inner flow can help you achieve greater flexibility in the outside world.

Think about your relationships. Are you open and flowing with others in your life, or are you resistant to their actions or beliefs? Think about your relationship to money. Are you easily flowing money in and out of your life, or do you hold it, fear letting go of it and not trusting of the flow of it?

Money and relationships are similar energy exchanges. The energy is all flowing in and out of the heart chakra. If you are not open to exchanges, are stubborn and resistant to energy moving, it will be reflected in your money and personal relationships. If you are open and flowing, both giving and receiving with ease, then that will also be reflected in your money and personal relationships.

If these thoughts strike a cord within you, then you know it’s something you need to uncover within yourself. It may signal that you are out of balance in some way. You may be ready to open to change some area of your life so that you may flow more freely.

Speaking of flow, I will be offering a FREE Introductory, 1 hour teleclass called “Getting in the Groove: Opening to the Flow in Your Life.” Weds, June 1st 6pm- 7pm, EDT. This class will cover dealing with obstacles, receiving issues, creative expression and flow. This teleclass is an Introduction to a 3 part series I will be offering beginning Weds June 8th for 3 consecutive Wednesdays.

The 3 part series “Getting in the Groove: Opening to the Flow in Your Life,” explores the deeper aspects of the 3rd and 4th chakras and the energetic flow of giving, receiving and exchanging, as well as issues around power, control and resistance. The 3 part series is $75 and will run from 6pm EDT to 7:30pm EDT on Weds, June 8th, 15th, and 22nd.

To register for the FREE Introductory teleclass or the 3 part series, please email me at: and I will add you to the registration list.

Many Blessings,


Jodie Foster, Intuitive~
Intuitive Counseling, Coaching, Consulting
“Isn’t it time you listened to the whispering of your soul?”

Article: Embodying your Intentions

Bringing life to your ideas is what helps them to manifest in the material world. Embodying your intentions, creates an affirmation of that intention. It tells the Universe that you are determined and fully involved in your idea.

Putting your intention out to the Universe then sitting back and waiting for it to happen without any action on your part is like a person who goes for a reading and wants to know their future. They sit back in the belief that it's all set in stone and ready for them, then return angry to the reader saying it never happened, only to admit they never performed any actions to put the energy into motion. It’s the same with expecting doctor recommendations to work if you never take the medication.

Without participation and action, the future you wish for isn't going to just land in your lap. You need to back up your ideas with forward motion, courage and action. Ideas can remain in your mind forever, but without the action of bringing them down into the physical world, there is no manifestation of the idea- therefore, no results.

In order to turn your ideas into a reality, you need to empower them everyday. Take an action each day to manifest your vision. Write your affirmation, do the research, do one action each day to bring your idea into a reality. You will see results!

© 2005 Jodie Foster