Saturday, April 23, 2005

Spring Newsletter from Illuminations

Happy Spring !

Even though it's a rainy day here in the Northeast, it's warmer and it's not snow! Thankfully it means we really are enjoying Spring at last! The surge of energy coming from the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse tomorrow (Sunday, 24th), has inspired me to produce another issue of the Illuminations Network Newsletter.

I'm including some information about the Lunar Eclipse by Christopher Stewart. It's a powerful time and it helps to have a 'heads up' about the energetic influences that you'll be feeling.

I'm also including two new articles, Portrait of a Psychic / Intuitive and Conscious Construction with Cosmic 2 x 4's. I hope you find the information helpful and enjoyable.

I had a wonderful call from a new client yesterday that found my Portrait of a Psychic/Intuitive article and was so excited to have someone she felt could understand what she was going through. So often when beginning the journey into energy awareness, psychic ability and spiritual awakening, it is challenging to speak about the events happening in your life. You don't want to sound 'crazy' or be made fun of if you are surrounded by people who haven't got a clue what you are going through! It's important to reach out and share your experiences with others who can validate the awakening process and guide you along the way.

In this article, I talk a little about my experiences growing up with psychic/ intuitive abilities and energetic sensitivities. It was a long learning process and I am extremely grateful I had such excellent teachers and mentors along the way. I am still learning, as we all are. I feel it is a life-long task and something we are here to do. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions. It's also important to listen to your intuition.

Speaking of Intuition, on May 4, 2005 at 6pm EST, I am hosting a FREE Teleclass called " An Introduction to The 10 KEYS to Developing Your Intuition". During this 1 hour teleclass we will be discussing the 10 Keys that I've addressed in my eGuide "Experiencing Intuition: Harnessing the Power of Your Inner Guidance System".

This teleclass would be perfect for anyone wanting to learn more about their Intuition and ways of developing it. We will be discussing psychic ability, dreams, intuitive visions, and energy sensations.

To REGISTER for the Teleclass, please email me and I will add you to the list.

If you have not participated in a Teleclass before, it's a very enjoyable experience where many people gather together all on one telephone conference line. You can participate right from the comfort of your own home! It's going to be a fun evening filled with information, stories and new levels of learning. Join me!

As promised, I've included the articles and Lunar Eclipse information below. Enjoy and if you have any questions, please contact me. I'm including Christopher's link if you would like more information about his services as well.

Many Blessings of Happy Spring thoughts,

Jodie Foster
Intuitive Consultant

Intuitive Consultations
"Isn't it time you listened to the whisperings of your soul?"
10am - 7pm EST Mon- Fri

Visit my Blog for weekly articles and postings:
Intuitive Innovations


LUNAR ECLIPSE: April 24, 2005 by Christopher Stewart
ARTICLE: Portrait of a Psychic / Intuitive
ARTICLE: Conscious Construction with Cosmic 2 x 4's
Subscriber Info

NOTE: *** If you have friends or famiy members who would enjoy receiving this newsletter, please forward it to them. If you are receiving this newsletter from a friend or family member and would like to receive it directly each month, please reply with your name and email address and I will be happy to add you to the email list. Enjoy!

Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse April 24, 2005 3:08 am PDTBeltane ~
Cross Quarter Day May 1*

Old wounds within our hearts are shadows revealed during this eclipse phase. Turning over the emotional ground of our lives reveals the old and the new. What is it that we wish to cultivate and what are the stones of resistance that hinder vitality? Two weeks ago the new moon was a solar eclipse conjunct Venus and square Saturn. Now the moon has grown full and is opposite Sun and Venus in Taurus (square Chiron). Relationships are demanding. Manipulation, power plays and possessiveness are dark expressions. Confronting the darkness with patience and self-worth is constructive. Willfulness can be directed towards conflict or accomplishment. Passion and desire may be self-indulgent or deeply regenerating. These April eclipses relate to the eclipses of this past October 2004. Consider what areas of your life were undergoing transformation then and where are you now?Full Moon always signals the culmination or fruition of something coming to a head. Decisions are made. It could involve quitting a job, moving to another city or state or country, starting a new job, asking for a divorce, asking someone to marry you, something you've been working on for a long time, manifests. It could also trigger terrorists events, as well. Especially five days BEFORE the actual eclipse, we must be watchful of this possibility. This means the week leading up to it, from April 19th through the 25th, is like a powder keg ready to go off. Be more aware and pay attention.Decisions of all kinds are made now and with an eclipse pushing it, think long and hard about your choices---because they are going to haunt you for the WHOLE YEAR. This is NOT a time to act rashly or quickly. Sit back and think about your decision and how it will affect you as well as others. Think about the ramification of your decision. Think of this action as seeds that are planted now, that will be harvested in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months from the above date. Things might now happen right away, but guaranteed you will see action on your planting April 24 2005, July 24, 2005, October 24, 2005, January 24, 2006 and finally, back to its original position on April 24, 2006.This is because as the eclipse squares and opposes its original position and it triggers off energy that is can be catalyzed.This catalyzation process is going to be very obvious; for a lunar (moon) eclipse usually triggers INTERNAL events....but what starts out as internal may become external and could manifest outer events, such as a person, a group, or a body of individuals who make decisions and you are influenced by them. How much you're influenced depends up on how close to the eclipse you have a planet or your ascendant, Midheaven, for example.Visibility Penumbral Lunar Eclipse visible in North America, Central and South America. New Zealand, eastern Australia, eastern Indonesia. More details here: * Beltane is a holyday that celebrates the midpoint of spring on May 1, although the true midpoint this year is May 5. This link has a great animation

Christopher Stewart
Medical Intuitive

visit Christopher's blog:
Intuitive Living

ARTICLE: Portrait of a Psychic / Intuitive
by Jodie Foster

**** This article is already listed in this blog-- please scroll down to read it.


ARTICLE: Conscious Construction with Cosmic 2x4's
by Jodie Foster
What’s a cosmic 2 x 4 you ask? It’s actually a phrase that’s been used in the ‘new age/ metaphysical’ world for the past 15 years or more. It refers to the lessons we learned the hard way when we didn’t listen to our intuition.

In the process of our spiritual growth and intuitive development, we learn to listen more deeply and follow the guidance that comes from within. Because conscious awareness is building during that time, whenever we choose not to listen and go against our intuition, the lessons learned seem twice as powerful and painful than if we had listened.

When it happens, it feels like a 2x4 hitting you right between the eyes. It’s especially powerful because ‘you should have known better’. These are lessons that are meant to get our attention either consciously or intuitively. From personal experience I can say it is infinitely preferable to have it come through the intuitive realm, then take action upon it.

Choosing to ignore, or bypass your intuitive sense will have repercussions that can lead to self deprecation and resentment. I remember one of my more memorable cosmic 2x4’s:

I was 16, working for a woman who owned a gift shop in the tourist area where I lived. She had lost her husband to cancer months before that and she was trying to run the business alone. She wasn’t doing it well.

As my boss, she would instruct me to do tasks one way and then complain that I should have done it differently. She also piled a considerable amount of job responsibilities and tasks upon me. At 16, I thought that was great, but later realized it was not.

My family had been planning its first family vacation ever and we were going to travel for a month down the East Coast and back. One week before we were due to leave, my boss decided to take a spur of the moment trip to England. She instigated me into staying in her home, watching her dog and running the business so she could go away for 5 days! All this while I was helping my family prepare for our huge month long trip. She even convinced me to drive her to the airport!

The entire time I heard my intuition telling me, “ No. Don’t do it. You don’t have time. This is not a good idea.” Unfortunately I didn’t listen. I grew up in one of those households where you don’t say no when you are given instructions.

Let’s just say that the result was one of the largest cosmic 2x4’s I’ve ever experienced!

The dog was sick all over the bedroom, there was a major hurricane and everything needed to be battened down for the storm. One thing after another went wrong in the shop. The boss was in England, what could she do?

I did the best I could, leaving the keys for the day she returned. I left early that same morning for my family trip. I didn’t see her return.

Upon my return a month later, I was faced by her with a list of accusations about my care of her business, dog and home. She fired me and proceeded to rage all these crazy stories- none of which were true. I stormed out and went home crying, knowing the entire time that I had ‘known’ something would go wrong because I hadn’t listened. Unfortunately, I thought all the bad stuff had already happened that week before I left. Little had I known at that time, that the worst was yet to come when I returned from my trip.

Later that week, I found out through another employee that our boss had been in a mental ward at the hospital upon her return from England. All those weird things she had been doing finally came out. She was only in the hospital for three weeks.

It was a huge blow to my self esteem at the time. I was only 16. I didn’t realize that it was her illness until much later. Even when I found out she’d been in the hospital I still believed her when she’d said it was my fault. I was so naïve at the time. I was 16, what did I know about grieving and mental illness?

Unfortunately it affected my working career for years, being unable to work well with a woman boss. I had been so ‘burned’ and hurt that I expected it would happen again. I was recovering from the blow of a cosmic 2x4!

What was the biggest lesson I learned from that experience? I learned many, but the one that stood out loud and clear was to listen to my intuition- even if I felt it would hurt someone’s feelings or create disappointment.

Our inner guidance system always has our best interest at heart. It ALWAYS knows what direction to lead in. It’s when we don’t listen that we steer off course. Usually those sort of off-road detours are very bumpy and filled with potholes.

What else did I learn? I learned to use the cosmic 2x4’s for conscious construction.

What is conscious construction? It’s the process of building your inner structure in a deliberate and focused fashion. That means learning your lessons, enhancing your listening skills and embracing your inherent wisdom.

Each lesson we learn is a 2x4 added to our foundation, the base of our inner structure. We grow, learn, evolve and build a sturdier structure as we do so. Cosmic 2x4’s are building materials for our conscious construction project, along with consciously learned lessons, spiritual growth, etc.

As we build our inner structure we feel stronger, more secure in who we are and more sure of our place in this world. Knowing who you are, why you are here and where you are headed is a good feeling.

What is the moral of this story? The moral is that cosmic 2x4’s are painful and avoidable.

For a long time I felt like there was a road construction sign plastered to my forehead saying: “Under Construction: Beware of Falling Beliefs.”

© 2005 Jodie Foster